‘To create peace * Stop the race * Calm is inside you * Stay at your place * Let your heart warm it * Protect it with your smile *Fill it with your breath * Harmony is a state * When we don’t fight against * But care for each other and ourselves.”
‘To create peace * Stop the race * Calm is inside you * Stay at your place * Let your heart warm it * Protect it with your smile *Fill it with your breath * Harmony is a state * When we don’t fight against * But care for each other and ourselves.”
I am grateful that I met Dorota. Her personality fascinated me. She is a sensitive artist and an exceptional professional. She is all in one. A coach, a trainer, a facilitator, a guide. I had the opportunity to see her in action as I have participated in an introductory session in her bigger program Photography in Coaching, myself and my students in Coaching Education Program ASCTH by ICF. We all loved her work and approach at once.
So I totally recommend her program to any coach or other professional who would like to strengthen their performance with a new revealing and deep methodology and tools based on the art of photography.
This is going to open to a new delightful world.
Working with Dorota was a great honour and an extraordinary pleasure for me.
Reliable and professional guidance combined with humanity, her eyes full of goodness, sensitivity and a smile. In front of me, during our work, there was a human being who listened attentively, created space, understood while using only a few words. She understood me in silence. She saw what is often invisible to the eye. And she heard what was hard to say. It is a fantastic experience that will stay with me forever. I’m full of gratitude for this meeting, and I recommend working with Dorota to everyone, everyone who lives and feels consciously. To everyone who wants to live a better, deeper life, go towards the sun.
First time I saw Dorota at her lecture online about her course Photography in coaching. One moment she proposed to imagine our most important photo. I closed my eyes, and I saw this photo. I knew in a few seconds which one from so many others. Everything she said after and before was compelling and moving. I was motivated to learn to work from her.
Dorota is unique. She can hear and ask the questions at the moment when you need that.
She can repeat what you said so that you think that is something new, what you need, and that is the right way. It is a pleasure to experience her questions technique. I could feel how she stays by the person and gives her wisdom without pressure. Don’t let others be smaller than you are. Said Dorota in one of our group supervisions. After one year of online training, I could meet Dorota in reality. In Warszawa, we had a morning coffee in one of her favourite coffee houses called ‘Perhaps’. Dorota is petite 😊 – but she is NOT small! And with her, you feel NOT small. Thank you, Dorota, for teaching and inspiring me.
These few meetings were, for me, a profound and personal path of self-development. I was amazed that Dorota took me through many aspects of my life during this trial in such a short time. With sensitivity, respect, and brilliant following, it allowed me to find myself, resources, and competencies.
She gave me space to find answers to my doubts, struggles and to touch my internal motivation to act.
During the trial, I started to take step by step to implement my intentions, plans and dreams that had been in me for a long time. Meetings with Dorota are entering a new path without looking back in doubt. It is a fantastic job in a pleasant and safe atmosphere. Dorota is full of professionalism, sense, competence and reliability. I wholeheartedly recommend coaching work with Dorota. It is the best choice for me. I no longer stand still, only wondering what, how, where, whether. I act in tune with myself and forward. Full of faith, I use my resources and work on what I need to do. I know where I stand and feel motivated. I act. Thank you, Dorota 💓
Dorota accompanied me on my coaching path, focusing on what I want for my future.
Her presence as a coach was concrete, stable, respectful and intuitive, and highly empathetic.
Her listening is very attentive, and her questions have allowed me to explore and deepen my thoughts and choices. Her special human touch enriches her as a coach. It has been a beautiful growth path.
Dorota as a coach is excellent. She helps you to discover the right path and rediscover yourself.
Working with Dorota is a great pleasure based on trust and a great relationship. He has a lot of experience and beautiful tools for working with the photos that help open up, understand and look at many things differently, and answer questions we did not know before. I highly appreciate the cooperation with Dorota.
Dorota was at the same time “in front of me” – guiding me through the process, but at the same time “behind me” – not imposing anything, carefully following my needs and discoveries. At every stage, she took care of my comfort and boundaries, providing support when needed. She suggested possible directions of work without meaning what I should choose and excellent and effective work techniques. As a result, I set the goals, and I still use the results of the meetings. The work content with Dorota is very high, and I recommend her as a coach with a clear conscience. To use a metaphor:
“Dorota in the coaching process is like a wind that is invisible, but it will push you and lead you to the port, as long as you unfurl the sails and hold the helm”.
As a coach, Dorota is exceptionally attentive to the client. She listens with all of herself, watches and asks difficult and precious questions!
Each of my sessions with Dorota ended with a strong reflection. I had tasks to do, and I couldn’t imagine not doing them. I felt almost physically that I was in the change process and would not want to run away from this Change. The result of my coaching sessions with Dorota Raniszewska is a qualitative change in my life. Professional and personal. I’ve been working on WHY not just HOW. And it was a great value. I can look at everything that is happening in my life from my new level. It is easier for me to make decisions in harmony with myself, and they are more accurate. The challenges I take up give me more satisfaction. I know who I am, and I accept it, so I am more efficient. I know I can be a leader, and I am not afraid of this role. Dorota as a coach, is a friend full of healthy empathy.
Very dense, a lot, great ideas and strategies. Beautifully designed. Trustful, non-judgemental atmosphere. Dorota does her work fantastic. Location perfect!!! Even if you do not want to become a coach, it’s a great learning experience for you professionally and for your private life and relationships.
It was a great experience to attend “Photography in Coaching – ONE IMAGE-MANY WORDS” and “Powerful Start with A.H.A.”. I was delighted with their content, and they helped me a lot in my personal development. I practice both Photography and Coaching, and these courses give great insights and combine these two fields. Working with people from all around the world was fulfilling and expanded my horizons. Thank you very much, Do!
AHA™ is a powerful tool, and your group workshop was excellent, Dorota! Thank you for your lovely spirit and for sharing your “secret tips », it will be helpful!
Photography in Coaching with Dorota is much more than training! It’s an opportunity to go through a journey of self-discovery, development and creativity. Using images in this process helps you go deeper and feel the real impact this tool might have on our coachees. With a strong presence, powerful questions, and respect, Dorota creates a fantastic learning and development experience.
The Finnish Phototherapy Association was happy to co-operate with Dorota in April 2021. The workshop online, “Becoming visible to yourself”, was inspiring, and Dorota’s presence was warm and secure. We want to continue our collaboration in the future.
The perfect variety of themes, good balance of input and practice. Lot’s of material that is perfect for further studies. Great workshop, lots of learnings and wonderful atmosphere. One of the best workshops I have ever attended. Dorota is a great inspiration and very empathetic.
My feedback is deep gratitude for a beautiful self-discovery process whilst learning how to integrate these practices into a coaching approach. Like a bud opening to reveal the small blossoms within, I feel that this has created new beginnings, renewal, and opening to a vastness of opportunity and further exploration.
The Photography in Coaching workshop is a powerful and transforming encounter with oneself, life, past and relationships that matter. It is also looking at what’s next. It is finding answers to essential questions inside us, and thanks to Dorota, they go outside, call, and sometimes even pull and demand to be noticed. I experienced tangibly a robust reflection and insight provided by my photos and the shooting process. On the one hand, I went through my deep process; on the other, I got many inspirations and tools.
Thank you for showing me how to combine Photography in Coaching. I have been looking for ways to combine Coaching and creativity and feel a little stuck this year. Experiencing this course has helped me navigate through this and move forward with new ideas, insights and connections. I am looking forward to watching my practice evolve using my experiences, new insights, creativity in an authentic, meaningful way. It’s been worth getting up at 5.30 a.m.! So thank you. I am also thanking you for your inspiration, intelligence, presence and patience.
I am looking forward to connecting again soon and sharing.
The course had a high quality. There was a variety of topics. It was profound, authentic, and practical. It enlarged and deepened my insights on a personal and professional level. Powerful. Outstanding balance between theory and practice. Training location like home. Food very healthy, made with love. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to expand their perspectives and deepen their insights.
This training is a gift, personally and professionally. Dorota is an extraordinary woman – warm, creative, intelligent, so much in contact with herself. She inspires me as a person.
I am pleased to be writing this letter of recommendation on behalf of Dorota Raniszewska. It was a real pleasure to have ten coaching sessions led by Dorota.
She is the most professional coach I have ever cooperated with so far.
It has been a year since finishing my coaching sessions and, since then, I have observed changesin my private and professional life. I believe they appeared possible thanks to coaching meetings. I feel gratitude for her guidance and welcomed atmosphere during sessions.Dorota is a patient and always attentive coach, devoting her full attention to a coachee. Without her guidance and many adequate questions, my progress and achievement of my goals would not have been possible.
Nearly ten months of coaching have resulted in my improved motivation, better perception of myself and my strengths, trust in my capabilities and greater awareness of the influence of my emotions on my body. I have also gained greater self-confidence and drive to work on my long-term goals.
Sessions with Dorota have encouraged me to self-reflect and investigate my inner resources more thoroughly. She always patiently assisted me by giving me the necessary time to voice my thoughts and supported me on my path to self-development. In my view, it all makes Dorota a perfect coach.
In conclusion, Dorota Raniszewska has my respect and highest recommendation as both an extraordinary individual and exceptional coach. The coaching sessions directed me to take particular actions and influenced a lot of my decisions. I continue developing my skills and ways of thinking because sessions with Dorota have enriched me as a businesswoman, but yet, more importantly, also as a human being, woman, friend, wife, daughter and sister.
The program you have created, the gentleness, space, and energy are very thoughtful and caring, creating a beautiful and comfortable environment for sharing, learning, and growing together.
In addition to your excellent leadership skills and enthusiasm for sharing your joyful education and coaching experience, I believe that we do have a wonderful group of people who work and learn so well together. That is one of the reasons why your program is so terrific. But I also know that one of the reasons our group is so wonderful together is your caring and thoughtful leadership, Coaching and guidance! I have lived as a part of a group where we are each from a different country, especially in world history and current events. I feel like our group in our zoom room is in its little womb in its cocoon, birthing more inner peace and global peace into the world. Thank you, Don, for being our photography coach and coaching coach, as well as our emotional and experiential labour coach. I am very, very grateful.
I was looking for a book. A unique book that brings together the topics of Photography and Coaching – a uniquely powerful combination that I was more and more realizing in my life. I found exactly one book on my search: »ONE IMAGE MANY WORDS« by Dorota Raniszewska.
After the first pages, I simply contacted Dorota, who then invited me to her class named »Photography in Coaching and Personal Development«.
The bliss in meeting Dorota showed itself from the first moment of our online meetings. First, there is this great topic of Photography in Coaching. Being a photographer for over thirty years now, Dorota showed me a completely different approach to Photography. She says that photos are traces of our lives and therefore contain sleeping wisdom and resources of ourselves.
In Dorota’s class, we’ve learned to discover these resources using photos. We’ve learned about the consciousness that comes from creating a life photo album. We’ve done the photo walk and created a photo poem from what we’ve been drawn to while photo-walking. Living with my »photo-memes« now is powerful beyond description. There’s nothing I know that’s as easy and as powerful at the same time. Easy to create. And easy to remember when I want to jump deeply into my inner power.
But there’s more. Just experiencing Dorota’s Coaching, I’ve learned valuable lessons about good coaching practice. Dorota masters the art of bringing value to the class as a whole and every member in particular. Her special feature is to teach through practice. All we’ve learned and experienced using individual examples as coaches and coachees. And there’s enough room to reflect on the experiences. What is distinctive, because – as Dorota puts it – we can only ‚do’ or ‚reflect’ simultaneously.
There’s a spirit within all Dorota does in this class: It’s about lifting people, about creating these blissful moments of feeling the unspeakable value of being human.
So after the course had ended, we now are going on new steps as the Coaching and Supervision Group. Wonderful! Thank you, Dorota, for these life-changers.
Dorota pomogła mi rozwiązać kilka problemów, uporać się z poczuciem bezradności. Jej spokój, opanowanie, ale też dość nieustępliwe drążenie tematu pozwalały w pełni skoncentrować się na ,,tu i teraz”. Dla mnie kluczowe było poczucie, że nikt mnie nigdy tak uważnie nie słuchał.
Bardzo też cenię sobie ,,prace domowe” – jako zadaniowcowi, dopiero otrzymane zadanie i jego zrealizowanie pozwala mi na autorefleksję. Pytania Doroty, a w zasadzie poszukiwanie odpowiedzi na nie, były dużym wyzwaniem i wysiłkiem. Zmuszały do wejścia głęboko w siebie w obszar emocji, wartości i marzeń.
I chociaż momentami wywoływały dyskomfort (bardziej szukanie odpowiedzi niż pytanie jako takie) to ostatecznie sesje kończyły się poczuciem zadowolenia, satysfakcji, dowartościowania.
Proces coachingowy, przez który przeprowadziła mnie Dorota Raniszewska był najlepszym prezentem jaki mogłam podarować sama sobie, a jego efekt znacznie przerósł moje oczekiwania. Podczas kilku tygodni sesji, dzięki jej niezwykłemu podejściu i absolutnie wyjątkowej metodzie pracy z fotografią, udało mi się zbudować siłę, jakiej nie czułam nigdy wcześniej, lepiej poznać siebie, swoje potrzeby, mocne strony, ale również to co mnie ograniczało. Nauczyłam się słuchać siebie, stawiać pytania i szukać odpowiedzi. Spokój, poczucie bezpieczeństwa i zaufania jakie towarzyszyły każdemu naszemu spotkaniu sprawiały, że rosłam, budowałam siebie i uczyłam się uważności. Bez chwili zawahania polecam pracę z Dorotą każdemu z mojego otoczenia, kto odczuwa potrzebę pracy nad realizacją swoich celów.
Od września 2021 r. do kwietnia 2022 r. uczestniczyłem w procesie coachingowym prowadzonym przez Dorotę Raniszewską (10 spotkań).
Dzięki sesjom z Dorotą, zwiększyłem swoja samoświadomość i rozszerzyłem perspektywę spojrzenia na miejsce, na jakim jestem w swoim życiu. Pozwoliło mi to na przyjrzenie się schematom i przekonaniom zarówno tym, które mi służą jaki i tym, które mnie blokują i ograniczają w czerpaniu większej radości i poczucia spełnienia w życiu. W rezultacie uporządkowałem na nowo swoje priorytety, stałem się bardziej świadomy swoich atutów, sukcesów i drogi, którą chcę dalej podążać.
Cenie bardzo otwartość Doroty, jej uważność na emocje i niewypowiedziane potrzeby jakie pojawiały się na sesjach. Ta uważność, spokój, dawanie przestrzeni i skupienie na szukaniu sedna wnoszonych tematów, pozwoliły mi spojrzeć inaczej na wiele istotnych spraw oraz dostrzec i uświadomić sobie ważne schematy, potrzeby i wartości. Dziękuję Dorota za Twoje wspierające towarzyszenie mi na ważnym odcinku mojej życiowej podróży.
Praca z Dorotą to dla mnie wielkie wyróżnienie i niezwykła przyjemność. Rzetelne i profesjonalne prowadzenie z pierwiastkiem ludzkiego spojrzenia pełnego dobra, wrażliwości i uśmiechu.
Na przeciwko mnie podczas, wspólnej pracy siedział Człowiek, który uważnie słuchał, dawał przestrzeń, rozumiał używając niewielu słów. rozumiał mnie milcząc. Widział to, co dla oka często nie widzialne. I słyszał to, co trudno wypowiedzieć. To niezwykłe doświadczenie, które pozostanie ze mną na zawsze. Jestem pełna wdzięczności za to spotkanie i polecam każdemu pracę z Dorotą, każdemu, kto żyje i czuje świadomie. Każdemu, kto chce żyć pełniej, głębiej, mocniej podążając w stronę słońca.