Photography in Coaching Course

Dates of the upcoming edition: 9 January – 27 February, 2025

Discover the benefits of how we can create stories that inspire us to live our lives.

Participants’ Voices
on The Photography in Coaching Course

Photography in Coaching is a powerful approach to transforming your beliefs and becoming visible to yourself.

There is something very unique about Photography in our lives nowadays. We all take photos and communicate through them every day. Every vital moment or relationship is in a snap.

We can use these photos in Coaching to integrate continuity of our biographies, connect to our wisdom, strengths, intuition. Pictures from life give us access to inner information that is stored in the unconscious or forgotten. We can use active Photography to inspire and learn new habits. Photography creates transformative moments.

About the course:

“ONE IMAGE – MANY WORDS …” is an experiential course composed of 8 sessions online and enriched with instructional videos, audios, handouts and practise exercises in between sessions. The I.C.F. accredits the course for the Continuous Coach Education units! It is also honoured as part of the C.P.D. (continuing personal development) by the EMCC.

More about the contents
of the Course:

  • Welcome & video lectures
  • Pre-work with your photos and Photography
  • Module 1 – “The Most Important Photo”
  • Module 2 – “Profile Photo”
  • Module 3 – “Life Photo-Album”
  • Module 4 – “Photo-Poem”
  • Module 5 – “Image of a Relationship”
  • Module 6 – “Self-Portrait in The Future”
  • Group Integration Meeting. Your developmental needs and goals for the Course. Ethics in Coaching with Photography
  • Wrap Up Session, review of achievements, gratitude, Q&A

Module 1: "The Most Important Photo"

We learn about the potential of personal pictures in self-exploration. We develop coaching skills and learn models, such as deep listening, powerful questions, Dilts neurological levels.

Module 2: "Profile Photo"

Professional and life journey that you experienced by now and want to continue. Your values and strengths. How do you want to show yourself to others? Me public – hidden – and authentic. We develop coaching skills and models such as deep listening, powerful questions, ‘me’ public, hidden and authentic.

Module 3: "Life Photo-Album".

Increasing self-confidence and a sense of resourcefulness, appreciating life achievements. Complex view on one’s life journey – achievements, capabilities, possibilities, relationships, needs. We are working on priorities and the next steps. We develop coaching skills and models such as deep listening, powerful questions, clean questions, character strengths.

Module 4: "Photo-Poem"

Creative session with taking photos as thinking processes, exploration and expression about one’s topic. Taking pictures to get a new perspective, discover your creativity, increase your sense of self-esteem and sensitivity as well as find purpose. We develop coaching skills and models such as deep listening, powerful questions, setting goals.

Module 5: "Photos Of A Relationship"

We are using photos to understand a relationship with someone better. We cover coaching questions about a relationship. We develop coaching skills and models such as visual skills, embodiment.

Module 6: "Self-Portrait In The Future"

It is a coaching process that brings the future to the present. We are creating and experiencing the vision of yourself and your life. We develop coaching skills and models such as powerful questions, setting goals.

This course is an opportunity to grow in an international, multicultural environment. I teach it in English. However, it is open to people from all over the world. It was my dream and vision to create a space for learning that connects people from various cultures, mindsets, religions, countries, climates and continents. I believe that this work will contribute to the world of open minds, hearts and borders. Coaches, photographers, art therapists from all over the globe learn Photography in Coaching with me: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Nederlands, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand, U.K., U.S.A.

9 Jan – 27 Feb, 25
(registration open)

4 Jan – 22 Feb, 24 (completed)

5 Jan – 23 Feb, 23 (completed)

5 May – 23 Jun, 22 (completed)

6 Jan – 22 Feb, 22 (completed)

7 Jan – 25 Feb, 21 (completed)

1 Oct – 19 Nov, 20 (completed)

Fee: 730 EUR

This fee includes participation in the course, materials, certificates, your development process.